Creating Forms & Inputs

Forms help users accomplish a wide range of goals including: creating a new account, completing a purchase, providing feedback, scheduling events, filling out taxes, or providing medical history. No matter the goal, every form should be thoughtfully designed so users can complete it quickly and without confusion. The key to a well designed form is its inputs. Inputs are one … Read the rest

UI/UX Case Study: Leadership



Last year, I was brought in to oversee the design and execution of a healthcare themed web-application. Originally, the application was to be divided into 6 teams with 4–5 developers working on separate parts of the application. However, we ended up reworking the application with a team of two–myself working the front-end and my colleague Christain on … Read the rest

Designing Beautiful Money

Ootje Oxenaar – Dutch Gulden Designs

In this modern age where technology is rapidly developing and replacing traditional methods and products it’s interesting to see that despite the dominance of credit/debit/pin cards, paper bank notes are still around — but this is obvious. I can’t ever imagine a world, at least not in my lifetime, where physical money doesn’t exist … Read the rest