Designing Data Tables

Data tables vary in size, complexity, content and purpose. Regardless of use-case all well-designed data tables provide clarity on the information presented and help users make insights and take action.

Table Style

When deciding how to style and format the table, prioritize readability and remove any visual clutter that may distract the eye.

1. Choose The Best Row Style

Row … Read the rest

Organize research notes

Conducting high quality, rigorous research is tough, regardless of how seasoned you are, because each research project is completely unique. In addition to actually doing the research itself, aggregating and organizing research notes can be overwhelming. Making sense of research data during synthesis and writing up a research report takes a lot of time. And if you don’t organize research … Read the rest

Occam’s Razor

Occam’s Razor is a problem-solving principle devised in the 14th Century that states that simplicity is better than complexity. It has many applications, running from detective work to deductive reasoning about the cosmos.

Think of Apple. Steve Jobs’ philosophy embraced Occam’s Razor. His iPad and iPhone, for example, are the proof: one button on the front of a seamless, self-contained Read the rest

SaaS Management

VMware SaaS App Management is a comprehensive solution for discovering,managing and securing SaaS applications. Organizations can manage their SaaS applications more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve overall security.