Navigation menus designing principles

What are the key principles for designing user-friendly navigation menus?

Navigation menus are essential for helping users find what they need on your website or app. They can also showcase your creativity and innovation, if you design them well. But what are the key principles for making your menus user-friendly, accessible, and engaging? Here are some tips to consider.


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How To Conduct A UX Redesign

No matter what context you work in as a UX designer, at one point or another, you’ll probably be asked to redesign a user experience. At the start of your UX career, you might even conduct an unsolicited redesign to help build up your portfolio.

Either way, you might find yourself redesigning a website, an app, or the interface of … Read the rest

White Space in UX Design

White space is a technique used when creating design layouts to ensure that your page’s important elements and content have room to breathe. Using white space is quite simple. Whether you want to emphasize an image, a graphic, or some text, all you need to do is leave blank space around the particular item you want users to focus on. … Read the rest

Cours Product Discovery

Stay on Course During Product Discovery.

Product discovery is a messy, hard, and often thankless job. Quite frankly, there’s no way — or need — to sugarcoat this. Product discovery is also rarely linear, let alone foreseeable. There’s also no one-size-fits-all approach to doing it “perfectly.” As a result, product teams need to have high confidence in their ability to … Read the rest

Product manager vs. UX manager

Achieving the product vision vs. expressing it. I believe this is a nuanced, yet helpful way to think about the core difference between product managers and UX managers. Whereas product managers typically focus on meeting business goals and launching new customer experiences, UX managers concentrate on optimizing user interactions in order to cultivate delight.

Product managers and UX managers both

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Customer Journey Maps Examples

User journey maps are a remarkably effective way to visualize the user’s experience for the entire team. Instead of pointing to documents scattered across remote fringes of Sharepoint, we bring key insights together — in one single place.

Let’s explore a couple of helpful customer journey templates to get started and how companies use them in practice.

This article is … Read the rest

Big Data and UX/UI Design Decisions

In the current age of digital transformation, there’s an astronomical quantity of data created every second, so much so that according to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, we’ll be generating 463 exabytes of data globally each day!

This overflow of data has given rise to a new phenomenon known as Big Data. The discipline of Big Data is changing … Read the rest

Define the scope and goals of UX design documentation

UX design documentation is a vital part of any project that involves creating or improving user interfaces and experiences. It helps you communicate your design vision, rationale, and process to various stakeholders, such as clients, developers, testers, and users. However, creating effective UX design documentation can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a clear scope and goals for it. … Read the rest

Dashboard Design Pattern

Design Patterns For Effective Dashboards. Practical guidelines for designing better dashboards and UX patterns to keep in mind ↓

🚫 Don’t destroy user value by oversimplification.
✅ Oftentimes life is complex and tools must match life.
✅ Dashboard value is measured by useful actions it prompts.
✅ Aim to create understanding, rather than showing raw data.
✅ Start by studying … Read the rest

Onboarding UX Playbook

Onboarding UX Playbook (, a practical guide on how to design better onboarding, common mistakes to avoid and some practical guidelines — along with decision trees and Figma templates below. Neatly put together by Ben Shih.

Ben highlights a few valuable points that are often forgotten or overlooked. In many interfaces, onboarding ends after just a few of … Read the rest