Deliveroo – Figma File Management UI Library

If you and your team want to capture and communicate thoughts and design changes directly in your Figma files, the File Management UI Library might be just what you’ve been looking for. Created by the Experience team at Deliveroo, it includes file management goodies that help you bring more context to your designs. Inside the library, you’ll find banners to separate flows in a file, detail blocks to document specifics about individual screens, sticky notes to highlight things that need attention, and more. Compared to making a similar annotation from scratch, the library not only saves you precious time but, as the folks at Deliveroo found out in their team, it also encourages people to be more diligent about annotating their work, which, in effect, impacts how they collaborate with engineers, PMs, and one another.

If you’re looking for ways to automate your team’s workflow download Deliveroo library

Read more how Deliveroo worked on it

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