User flow design (7-step guide)

User flow design (7-step guide)

User flow is a diagram showing the path a user will take in an application to complete a task, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc. A user flow helps designers focus on the user’s needs and find the most efficient way to meet them.

How to design a user flow, step by step:
1️⃣ Start with user goals. Identify what the user aims to achieve and why. This will help you define clear objectives for user flow.
2️⃣ Understand the user’s journey. Develop a customer journey map to cover every interaction with your organization.
3️⃣ Determine where your user flow begins and ends. User flow diagrams vary in size and complexity, depending on the user goals and the product. Analyze your customer journey map to list all possible entry points and then define the scope of your user flow.
4️⃣ Identify the steps users need to go through to accomplish their goal using your product. Ensure the steps are in a logical order that makes sense to the user.
5️⃣ Visualize the user flow. Aim for visual design clarity. Use standard conventions like ovals for start and end points, rectangles for steps, and diamonds for decisions.
6️⃣ Do not oversimplify your diagram. Too simple flow may look elegant on paper but be highly cryptic to anyone who will review it.
7️⃣ Refine the flow with feedback. Share your user flow diagram with team members for feedback.

When designing user flow, think:
✔ What is the user’s context when they enter the flow? (Think about user goal, environment, and their emotional state)
✔ How to simplify the pathway and improve UX? (Minimize the number of steps and actions users need to perform in the process to streamline interaction).
✔ Where can users face problems along the way? (Identify areas of friction and edge cases)
✔ Is the flow aligned with business objectives? (User flow should support the business’s goals)

📖 Guides:

✔ Introduction to user flow design (by Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF))

✔ Practical recommendation for user flow design (by Peep Laja)

✔ User flows from successful products like Airbnb, Slack, Spotify

✔ User flow design in FigJam, YouTube

🔨 Tools:

✔ User flow tools comparison table (by Tommy Geoco)

✔ User flow kit for Figma (by Navid Semi and Shohreh Semi)

✔ User flow + wireframe kit for Figma (by Rolinji)

🖼 User flow for the music app by Outcrowd. Creative Design Agency

#UX #userflow #userexperience #productdesign #design