Designing an accessible user experience

In today’s world, everyone should have the same opportunities to make use of and benefit from the conveniences that modern technology provides to users. By making a commitment to creating accessible Web sites and applications, you can help advance equality and improve key performance indicators for people with disabilities. Make accessibility a top concern when you’re developing a digital product or doing a redesign, and consult design professionals who are experts in accessible designThe Ten Factors

When designing an accessible user experience, keep the following 10 factors in mind.

1. Making Labeling Visible

A user with a screen reader does not have access to the same visual signals as sighted users do—unless form fields are properly labeled. It may be difficult for these users to determine the appropriate information to provide in a given form field. Each form field requires an informative label that is clearly visible and legible. For example, a form that stores a person’s name should either have a field with the label Full Name or be split into two fields labeled First Name and Last Name.

2. Streamlining a Web Site’s Structure and Overall Flow

Section headings help people who use screen readers to get around online. If your Web site uses headings—h1, h2, h3, and so on—properly and strategically, its content will be well organized and easy for screen readers to process. Separate display from structure by utilizing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and always use headings in their proper sequence. Create a new CSS class when designing your content rather than using a heading only for its aesthetic value.

3. Making Web Sites Web Friendly

Despite how well thought out, attractive, and user friendly your Web site’s layout may be, it won’t deliver maximal value if it is not compatible with the Web. It is crucial that your Web designers be familiar with meta tags, alt tags, and search-engine optimization (SEO) and know how to ensure that your site displays properly across all major browsers. Make sure that your Web designers are up to snuff on all aspects of design that affect your site’s visibility in search engines, as well as how the site looks to visitors.

4. Focusing on Faster Load Times

If you put in the time and effort to test your site before releasing it to the public, you can identify and address any page loading–time problems before your site goes live.

When you’re doing UX research online, nothing is more frustrating than waiting for pages to load. The problem of slow page-load times might cause customers to turn away from your site entirely. However, if you put in the time and effort to test your site before releasing it to the public, you can identify and address any page loading–time problems before your site goes live. After launch, assessing your Web site’s page-loading speeds on a regular basis could help you retain more visitors and improve your users’ overall experience. With fast page-loading speeds, customers can quickly get the information they need. But, if users don’t get what they expect from your site, they’ll go elsewhere.

5. Creating Clear Calls to Action

Including calls to action on your Web site encourages visitors to contact your company. By providing a little friendly encouragement to your visitors—such as saying “Contact us immediately!”—you can demonstrate that your company values its customers and wants to build rapport with them. It is crucial that calls to action (CTAs) correspond with visitors’ current degree of interest in your business. Encourage people to sign up for your email newsletter if they are new to your brand. In such cases, people might appreciate your brand’s loyalty rewards program. Create a call to action for whatever it is that you want people to do on each page of your site.

6. Using Tables Only for Tabular Data, Not for Layout

Users who rely on a screen reader typically find the use of tables for layout to be cumbersome. A screen reader’s announcement that there is a table with X numbers of columns and rows is distracting to users. It’s also possible that a screen reader might read text out of a page’s intended sequence. Don’t use tables to design a Web page’s layout. Instead, rely on CSS to control the display of the content on your site’s pages.

7. Optimizing Your Web Site

Top-notch Web sites are optimized for search engines, enabling people to easily locate their content when doing a search. What use is a Web site if no one visits it? Even if you’ve created the most insightful and engaging content online, designed a stunning Web site, or discovered the answer to a common issue, it’s useless if no one can find it.

8. Avoiding Using Color Alone in Communicating Meaning

Use color to distinguish UI elements, but also provide some means of identification that is not based on the use of color.

Although it’s true that color is a powerful means of communication, it should not be the only mode of communicating the meaning of an on-screen element. Use color to distinguish UI elements, but also provide some means of identification that is not based on the use of color. Examples include labeling the sections of graphs or putting a red asterisk next to required form fields.

9. Providing FAQs and Chatbots

It is important to devise a well-thought-out chatbot strategy and a collection of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) before you begin constructing your chatbot. Assuming you have an idea of what the bot’s capabilities should be, you must consider how and when consumers will engage with it. The usability of your chatbot’s user interface depends on its appearance and how well users can navigate it. There is a wide variety of bot designs.

10. Defining Alt Text for Images

Users of screen readers should not miss out on any of the information that your Web site presents simply because they cannot see any of the visuals. The proper inclusion of alternative (alt) text ensures that they can read descriptions of all visual content. This is particularly crucial for wholly visual representations of information such as infographics. You should capture the purpose of an image in its alt text. Plus, if the image incorporates text, include that content in the alt text as well.

The only time when it might be acceptable to omit alt text is when an image’s purpose is merely decorative and it provides no substantive information. In this situation, you can leave the alt-text property blank to avoid distracting the users of screen readers.