Synthesizing Qualitative Data

For researchers, no matter what experience level, synthesizing data can be a long and tedious process. Thankfully, there are tools that can help speed up the process, to get to better insights, faster. To better understand the synthesis process, this blog post will be broken down into smaller pieces: what is synthesis, affinity mapping, tagging, and writing insights.

What does Read the rest

Color Meanings

Explore the traditional associations of different colors and learn how to use them in the right contexts

Although we can make general assumptions about how colors affect moods and their symbolic meanings, our memories, cultures, religions, and environment have a substantial impact on how we perceive individual colors. For example, while in most Western cultures, brides wear white dresses as a symbol … Read the rest

Dieter Rams Design Principles

Good design is subjective and can’t necessarily be measured. However Rams attempted to express what he believed to be the most important principles for design. These principles have become iconic and have inspired designers across the world. As good design cannot be measured in a finite way he set about expressing the ten most important principles for what he considered … Read the rest