Navigation menus designing principles

What are the key principles for designing user-friendly navigation menus?

Navigation menus are essential for helping users find what they need on your website or app. They can also showcase your creativity and innovation, if you design them well. But what are the key principles for making your menus user-friendly, accessible, and engaging? Here are some tips to consider.


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Navigation menu designing mistakes

Most common mistakes when designing navigation menus?

Navigation menus are essential for any website, as they help users find what they are looking for and navigate through different pages. However, designing effective and user-friendly navigation menus is not as easy as it may seem. There are many common mistakes that can ruin the usability and aesthetics of your website, and … Read the rest

Design better modal window

A modal is a window that appears on top of a parent screen. It’s called ‘modal’ because it creates a mode that disables the parent screen but keeps it visible. Users must interact with the modal to return to the main screen.

Designers use modal windows to grab users’ attention. The information and actions in the modal window will have … Read the rest

key techniques for UX redesign:

Here are some key techniques for UX redesign:

1. User Research:

  • Surveys, Interviews, and Usability Testing: Gather insights directly from users about their experiences, pain points, and preferences.
  • User Personas: Create detailed personas to represent different user types, focusing on their needs, behaviors, and goals.
  • Journey Mapping: Map out the user’s journey through your product to identify friction points and
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