Content Design System

Intuit Content Design System (, a comprehensive system for content designers, UX writers and IA architects that covers voice and tone, accessibility and inclusion, style, wording, AI, marketing and how to talk to customers. Neatly put together by fine folks at Intuit. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸΎ

Words matter. The way how they are spoken matters, too. The voice and tone. The rhythm and … Read the rest

Dashboard Design Pattern

Design Patterns For Effective Dashboards. Practical guidelines for designing better dashboards and UX patterns to keep in mind ↓

🚫 Don’t destroy user value by oversimplification.
βœ… Oftentimes life is complex and tools must match life.
βœ… Dashboard value is measured by useful actions it prompts.
βœ… Aim to create understanding, rather than showing raw data.
βœ… Start by studying … Read the rest

User flow design

User flow design (7-step guide)

User flow is a diagram showing the path a user will take in an application to complete a task, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc. A user flow helps designers focus on the user’s needs and find the most efficient way to meet them.

How to design a user flow, … Read the rest

Onboarding UX Playbook

Onboarding UX Playbook (, a practical guide on how to design better onboarding, common mistakes to avoid and some practical guidelines β€” along with decision trees and Figma templates below. Neatly put together by Ben Shih.

Ben highlights a few valuable points that are often forgotten or overlooked. In many interfaces, onboarding ends after just a few of … Read the rest

Cloud Analytics

Dell Cloud analytics refers to a service and delivery model for the hosting that deals with the analysis or computation of business data using cloud technologies. These technologies handle the storage and or processing of data. Cloud analytics may include any type of data analytics or business intelligence that is performed in the cloud, perhaps one or several components of … Read the rest

Information Architecture

The technology within Touch ID is some of the most advanced hardware and software that we’ve put into any device. The button is made from sapphire crystalβ€”one of the clearest, hardest materials available. This prote

The technology within Touch ID is some of the most advanced hardware and software that we’ve put into any device. The button is made from … Read the rest