Empathy and a leadership.

89% of workers agree:
Empathy is a leadership superpower.

And it’s not just a nice trait to have in a leader.
Empathy is essential for leaders to be at their peak.

It transforms the way you connect with your team,
so you can bring out the best in everyone.

Employee studies by EY show the impact of empathy:

• 89% say empathy leads to better leadership.
• 88% say it creates loyalty toward their leaders.
• 87% say it’s essential for an inclusive environment.
• 86% say it boosts morale among employees.
• 85% say it increases productivity in teams.

Leaders, if you want to make a positive impact…

Be more human, don’t act like a robot,
and work on your empathy.

Here’s how:

1) Hold regular one-on-ones.
Get to know your team’s ups and downs.

2) Listen more, talk less.
Ask questions to understand what they truly mean.

3) Share your stories.
It shows you’re human too.

4) Welcome all ideas.
Ensure every voice is heard.

5) Act on what you hear.
Show them you’re there when they need you.

Empathy is doing, not just hearing.
Lead with it.

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