Figma – Design Specs Plugins

Preparing a design for developer handoff is usually a time-consuming task. Luckily, there are some Figma plugins out there to speed things up. One of them is EightShapes Specs. The plugin automatically produces page and component design specifications of selected components, instances, and frames for you. This not only comes in handy for design-dev handoffs but also for auditing work that is still in progress and running design critiques with teammates.

Another plugin that has got your back when preparing a design for handoff is Redlines. It helps you create and generate redlines from a selection of objects with ease, while enabling full control over the style and display of each redline element. All you need to do is select one or multiple layers, customize the redline settings if you want to, and choose a redline option to plot. Two fantastic timesavers:

View Figma Plugins:

 EightShapes Specs and plugin for handoff is Redlines.

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