Why Everything should be made as simple?

What exactly did Einstein mean by “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”?

Einstein’s quote “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler” emphasizes the importance of clarity and simplicity in understanding complex concepts. Here’s a breakdown of its meaning:

  1. Simplicity in Explanation: Einstein advocated for simplifying ideas to make them more
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Dashboard Design Pattern

Design Patterns For Effective Dashboards. Practical guidelines for designing better dashboards and UX patterns to keep in mind ↓

🚫 Don’t destroy user value by oversimplification.
βœ… Oftentimes life is complex and tools must match life.
βœ… Dashboard value is measured by useful actions it prompts.
βœ… Aim to create understanding, rather than showing raw data.
βœ… Start by studying … Read the rest

Accessibility/Design For Deaf People.

How To Design For Deaf People. Practical guidelines to keep in mind for 466 million people who have some kind of deafness ↓

βœ… 90–95% of deaf people come from hearing families.
βœ… Deafness often occurs due to exposure to loud noises.
βœ… Not only at birth; emerges with age, disease, accidents.
🚫 You can see only around 30% of … Read the rest