Running first Design Sprint

Design Sprint

When not on client projects at Scott Logic, we often have the chance to work on internal projects. Not only does this let us make useful and fun tools for use around the workplace, but it also provides a safe space to try new approaches or working practices. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to work alongside … Read the rest

Spacing & layout grids

The key to every great design is the organization of its information. Spacing methods and layout grids define structure, hierarchy, and rhythm in your design. When correctly used, they reduce decision making and help establish a rational approach to type scales, positioning, sizing and spacing.

Spacing Basics

Spacing basics that impact all sizing, measuring, and spacing decisions (including grid configuration).… Read the rest

2023 Design Trends

During this time of year, we all look forward to the new year and anticipate what it will bring us. The design community is no exception. Every year, design experts try to predict which design trends will come and go or stay and coexist. New digital technologies and design tendencies evolve gradually — that’s why it’s not surprising that we … Read the rest

Animation in UX

Nowadays it’s hard to impress or even surprise with an interface animation. It shows interactions between screens, explains how to use the application or simply directs a user’s attention. While exploring the articles about animation, I found out that almost all of them describe only specific use cases or general facts about animation, but I haven’t come across any article … Read the rest